What Can I Do To Take Care of My Child’s Teeth?
Begin daily brushing as soon as the child’s first tooth erupts. A pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste can be used after the child is ...
Why Are The Primary Teeth So Important? (Dental FAQ)
It is very important to maintain the health of the primary teeth. Neglected cavities can and frequently do lead to problems which affect developing permanent ...
Are Dental X-rays Important? (Dental FAQ)
Radiographs (X-Rays) are a vital and necessary part of your child’s dental diagnostic process. Without them, certain dental conditions can and will be missed. X-Rays ...
Demineralization – say what?!?
I was driving down the road the other day a flipped down my visor to take a look at my brows to see if they ...
sensory play … and toothpaste
Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates your young child's senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing. Sensory activities facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to ...