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Emergency Dental Office for Children in Spokane, WA

The Kidds Place doctor helping a young patient

Have you ever faced an unexpected dental emergency with your child? It can be quite alarming.

Luckily, you don’t have to handle it alone.

At The Kidds PlaceThis link leads to Home page in Spokane, WA, we understand how urgent and stressful these situations can be.

That’s why our emergency dental office for children in Spokane, WA, is here to help.

Dr. CathyThis link leads to Dr. Cathy’s page and our team are ready to provide the care your child needs when they need it most.

Why choose an emergency dental office for children?

When it comes to your child’s dental health, having a reliable emergency dental officeThis link leads to Emergency Dentistry page is crucial.

We address pain and discomfort immediately, but we can also prevent further complications.

Here’s why you should consider us:

  • Quick response: We provide prompt attention to alleviate your child’s pain.
  • Specialized care: Our team is experienced in dealing with children’s dental emergencies.
  • Comforting environment: We create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere to ease your child’s anxiety.

Meet Dr. Cathy and the team at The Kidds Place

Dr. Cathy and her skilled teamThis link leads to the Practice page at The Kidds Place in Spokane, WA, are dedicated to providing exceptional emergency dental care.

With years of experience and a gentle touch, Dr. Cathy ensures your child receives the best treatment.

Our team is trained to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, from toothaches to knocked-out teeth.

Common dental emergencies and how we handle them

Understanding common dental emergencies can help you stay calm and take the right steps when they occur.

Here are a few situations we handle at our emergency dental office for children in Spokane, WA.


Toothaches can be caused by various issues, including cavities and infections. Our approach is to identify the cause and provide immediate relief.

We might suggest a filling, extraction, or other treatments depending on how bad the problem is.

Broken or chipped teeth

Kids are active, and accidents happen. If your child breaks or chips a tooth, it’s essential to visit us quickly.

We offer bonding, crowns, or other restorative options to fix the damage and prevent further issues.

Knocked-out teeth

A knocked-out tooth can be scary, but quick action can save it. If this happens, keep the tooth moist and visit us immediately.

We’ll do our best to re-implant the tooth or explore other solutions to restore your child’s smile.

Distance and travel times to The Kidds Place

Living in or near Spokane, WA, means you’re always within reach of excellent emergency dental care for your child at The Kidds Place.

Here’s a quick view of the distances and travel times from nearby locations:

  • Dishman: About 7 miles, approximately 15 minutes
  • Millwood: Around 4 miles, about 10 minutes
  • Fairwood: Approximately 10 miles, around 20 minutes
  • Airway Heights: Roughly 12 miles, roughly 25 minutes

These short distances and travel times ensure you can get to us quickly when your child needs immediate dental care.

Schedule your emergency appointment now!

Our practice: Creating smiles, building confidence

At The Kidds Place, we believe every child deserves a healthy smile.

Our practice in Spokane, WA, focuses on providing comprehensive dental care in a fun, friendly environment.

We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure your child’s visit is comfortable and effective.

From routine checkups to emergency care, we’re here to support your child’s dental health journey.

Trust us with your child’s dental emergencies

In dental emergencies, swift, expert care is vital.

Our emergency dental office for children in Spokane, WA, is here to provide that care.

At The Kidds Place, Dr. Cathy and our team are committed to ensuring your child receives immediate, compassionate attention.

Whether it’s a toothache, a broken tooth, or another urgent issue, we’re here to help.

Trust us to keep your child’s smile bright and healthy.

Schedule your emergency appointment now!



Our address & contact details


Postal Address

506 East Hastings Rd.
Suite B
Spokane WA 99218

Phone & Email

Phone: 509.252.4746
Fax: 509.789.1640

Business Hours

M-W 7:00am - 3:30pm
Thurs 7:00AM - 1:00pm
Fri: By Appointment Only - Surgery Days
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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